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Battles of Napoleonic Europe

 First play of Battles of Napoleonic Europe by Mike Lambo and already convinced that it's great. Lost on the last roll of the last turn in true Lambonian fashion. IMHO opinion for this one watching the playthrough video is a must. Not that is complex, but it's full of subtleties that fit together nicely in actual play.  

Trouble in Egypt

 Who said it was a good idea to take the Catholic School girls for a graduation trip to Egypt? Of course, they had to desecrate a ruinous temple and enrage an avatar of the Serpent God Apophis. He summoned their old acquaintances: the zombie ventriloquist bunch. Father Morrison fought gallantly but it was not enough. The girls were overpowered by a combination of ancient magic and undead nastiness (and a roaming crocodile!). The temple defenders were controlled by my AI Deck Solo System .  

Skirmish at the graveyard

 You can't beat the awesome cinematic quality of Song of Blades and Heroes, with its activations, morale checks and abilities such as Terror or Drain. A well-fought victory for the Bible Camp girls.                     To see the warbands and the background of this scenario check:

Catholic Girls Vs Zombies

I prepared two warbands to test an upcoming update to my AI Deck Solo system for Songs of Blades and Heroes. Written by Andrea Sfiligoi, Song of Blades and Heroes is a popular skirmish ruleset and deservedly so. In my scenario the girls at a Catholic Summer Camp abscond during the night to perform a dark ritual in a nearby cemetery. They rise some dormant Zombies. Luckily, Father Morrison was a veteran army chaplain and Sister Claire is quite adept at mortifying flesh.

Peasant revolt!

Aristos Vs Peasants skirmish played with Song of Blades and Heroes along with my AI Deck Solo System