Since DBA 1.0, the rules include a very cool six nations campaign system with provisions for sieges, alliances, reserves, detachments, hidden placement of field armies, etc. The campaign rules can be downloaded for free from the History of WARGAMES RESEARCH GROUP website. This system also appeared alongside the HOTT fantasy rules. After the following map I will list 3 solo engines that have been published for this campaign system to automatically drive the non-player nations. * Programmed Leaders for DBA Campaigns: an article by P.J. Raper that was published in Wargames Illustrated 84. It uses personalities to automate the decisions of non-player factions. * Programmed Nations in DBA Campaigns. An adaptation of the preceding article. It can be downloaded from HERE . * Solo DBA Campaigning by Ian Duncan. A different system that uses a deck of cards to control non-player factions. It's the one I will use for my campaign. It was published in Lone Warrior #110. It may be f...